NTIA Grant Opportunities in 2021
The Infrastructure Essentials Toolkit was initially designed to support the Broadband Infrastructure Grant Program but is powerful resource for anyone planning an infrastructure deployment (read more).
The Tribal and Minority Community Toolkit (v 2.10) provides a spectacular resource to applicants in the Connecting Minority Communities Pilot Program.
It also provides detailed information on each tribal area in the United States. The Introduction describes the Toolkit and the associated grant programs.
Congress and two successive administrations continue to see broadband access as a funding priority. On December 27th, 2020 the Consolidated Appropriates Act, 2021 was signed into law. It provides $1.4 trillion in omnibus spending and $900 billion in pandemic relief, for a total of $2.3 trillion.
In addition to the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program ($3.2 billion of consumer subsidies, similar to Lifeline, administered by USAC) and specific provisions for telehealth it includes three NTIA grant programs, each prepared to fund a variety of compelling applications:
- Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program ($1 billion)
- Connecting Minority Communities Pilot Program ($285 million)
- Broadband Infrastructure Program ($300 million)
The Getting Started Guide , which accompanies each Toolkit, provides a succinct reference enabling those who have purchased the Toolkit to be up and running quickly.
Those purchasing the Tribal and Minority Community Toolkit might be interested in other demographic, economic, and competitive data.
The Infrastructure Essentials Toolkit provides a comprehensive nationwide view of what's covered and what's not, including areas that are generally excluded from grants because of existing funding commitments.
The CBRS Toolkit (originally designed for the CBRS auction) includes such data. It is likely to be extremely helpful to anyone developing an infrastructure-oriented business case. It is described in detail in an introductory document. It is also described on the CBRSToolkit.com YouTube channel.
Anyone purchasing the Tribal and Minority Community Toolkit can also purchase one or more state or national CBRS Toolkits at a 50% discount in a single transaction using the discount code "MoreData" at checkout. Not sure what you need? Download the free trial version.
The Tribal and Minority Community Toolkit is generously licensed to support a team of five.
Finally, it is important for interested readers to view the many webinars of the NTIA, all of which are archived.
Questions? Need other data sets? Send us an email or give us a call (415-346-5393).